Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Ideas

New ideas are hard to form, but when we are deep in history, how were these ideas formed? An example of a new idea that changed the world is the theory that the earth is round. Before someone had a small thought that the earth is round, everyone thought the earth was flat and you could fall off the edges. This idea might've been formed because the person who thought of this was just plain thinking. Maybe his imagination said that what if the world was round? What would life be like? And the idea just formed from there. Other ideas of how to form new ideas is taking another idea and thinking of a modified version of it, many theories have been reformed with new ideas. Guessing has taken a big part in finding new ideas, maybe electricity would not have been invented if Thomas Jefferson hadn't guessed about lightning. A part of guessing is trusting your instincts, as new ideas are hard to share if people do not believe in them. However, to me, imagination is the best way to explore new ideas.

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