Monday, November 1, 2010

Task D-The Renaissance Man

Leonardo da Vinci was a true renaissance man for he was not only an expert in art but he was an inventor and a scientist. At a young age he was supplied with the knowledge of painting and was said to be so good, his master vowed never to pain again. Leonardo's most famous painting 'The Mona Lisa' is by far showing that he is the renaissance. However, even if Leonardo was more famous for his works of art he was also a great scientist and inventor. When da Vinci was in Milan the Duke had him build buildings, weapons and machinery. He studied nature, things that fly, geometry, canals and many other things. It was once said he had even drawn a flying machine but never built it. Even, during his old age with paralysis he would teach and draw, proving that Leonardo was a true Renaissance Man.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Brunelleschi's Masterpiece

Fillipo Brunelleschi had a lot of creative leadership but he hadn't gotten the chance at using all that leadership until a contest came up to finish building, what is now known as, the Cathederal of Florence. His leadership changed the way people in the Renaissance believed in what was crazy and what wasn't. When the dome was finally starting to go somewhere, the builders where to afraid to put any more bricks on because it was getting very steep. Brunelleschi took all of his creative leadership and started placing the bricks himself, proving to everyone that the building would not collapse on itself. Another reason that Brunelleschi's creative leadership changed the world, is when he first got the commission to build the magnificent dome. When no one believed his method would work, he took hold of the situation and said there would be a way to prove it. Stand an egg on itself. No one could figure it out but Brunelleschi crushed the egg a bit and the egg stood up.
The decision to make Brunelleschi to build the coveted Cathedral of Florence had changed the way the people during that time thought. No longer did people think there was only one way to draw or that buildings can be only made this way or that there might be something out there than just us. His action and the way to build the dome made people all over Europe gasp in amazement and as Florence became the most flourished city in all of Europe, everyone started getting ideas and trading new ways to construct something. Brunelleschi's creation had changed the world, for the better.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Ideas

New ideas are hard to form, but when we are deep in history, how were these ideas formed? An example of a new idea that changed the world is the theory that the earth is round. Before someone had a small thought that the earth is round, everyone thought the earth was flat and you could fall off the edges. This idea might've been formed because the person who thought of this was just plain thinking. Maybe his imagination said that what if the world was round? What would life be like? And the idea just formed from there. Other ideas of how to form new ideas is taking another idea and thinking of a modified version of it, many theories have been reformed with new ideas. Guessing has taken a big part in finding new ideas, maybe electricity would not have been invented if Thomas Jefferson hadn't guessed about lightning. A part of guessing is trusting your instincts, as new ideas are hard to share if people do not believe in them. However, to me, imagination is the best way to explore new ideas.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Favorite Short Story

In the unit of short stories, there were three main stories, my favorite one though was Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl. The plot was very interesting with how you would think everything would be all right and then something happened, the climax kept changing, everyone getting more and more excited. However, the characterization is the most intriguing to me because all of the characters didn't seem what you would expect them to be. Mrs. Maloney looked innocent and nice but turned out to be possessive and manipulative, also for me, Sgt. Noonan didn't seem like he was either. I expected Jack Noonan to be suspicious of Mrs. Maloney for a long time but he seemed trapped in her innocence and didn't think anything of her other than she had suffered a terrible loss. All in all, Lamb to the Slaughter demonstrated the question, what makes a good story?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Choir-Power of the Void

Mission Statement
The International School of Kuala Lumpur provides an exceptional education that challenges each student to develop (silence) the attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding to become a highly successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.

The silence after develop is a good place to put there because it gives the idea where you don't know what things the student develops. The void says that there might be many things that students at ISKL challenge every day and do that very well. I think that the silence could also grab a listeners attention because I think this sentence is the most important, the listener might think, "Why did he (she) stop talking?". Lastly, the speaker might need to breathe and the words would flow more well and have more meaning if the speaker did not do a silence after each challenge.

Part 2:
One way a composer could create tension and then leave an answer is by being quiet and slowly getting louder. The listener could not be that sure it is getting louder until almost the last minute. At the ending it should be very loud, that way the listener would know the music or singing was getting louder and have an answer.