Monday, November 1, 2010

Task D-The Renaissance Man

Leonardo da Vinci was a true renaissance man for he was not only an expert in art but he was an inventor and a scientist. At a young age he was supplied with the knowledge of painting and was said to be so good, his master vowed never to pain again. Leonardo's most famous painting 'The Mona Lisa' is by far showing that he is the renaissance. However, even if Leonardo was more famous for his works of art he was also a great scientist and inventor. When da Vinci was in Milan the Duke had him build buildings, weapons and machinery. He studied nature, things that fly, geometry, canals and many other things. It was once said he had even drawn a flying machine but never built it. Even, during his old age with paralysis he would teach and draw, proving that Leonardo was a true Renaissance Man.

1 comment:

Mrs. Casey said...

It's amazing to me how he continued his talents and passions even into his old age. How does one teach painting if they are already paralyzed? Amazing. I agree with you, he was a true renaissance man.