Monday, March 28, 2011

Apologies, Please?

To all Australians who don't believe they need to apologize to the aboriginals;
How would you feel if a completely different culture and ethnic group came into your land and forced you to be like them? You would probably feel like the aboriginals. Now, this was a while ago and the damage is done, however, the best you can do to help them is say sorry and maybe even give them some money to help rebuild their own homes. Imagine what it was like for the mothers, having their children taken away to a foreign place where those people have killed your people. It would feel horrible and like something was torn away from you. For these mothers it would be the greatest gift in the world if they could reconnect with their children again, even just once. Many people believe they should let go of the past as it is too horrible to look at, and I believe that is untrue. When the children taken away tried to run away to be with someone, they would be punished brutally, can someone be that inhumane to do that? Remember, it is never too late to apologize.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Hero-Molly

In 'The Rabbit Proof Fence' Molly is the protagonist who demonstrates a lot of courage. She is desperately trying to save herself, Gracie and Daisy from becoming 'British'. If you look at the definition of hero it says that a hero is someone who has courage and has a certain quality to them. When you look at Molly you can immediately tell that she is special and different from everyone else. Molly got was brave enough to leave the camp place as soon as possible and she is smart enough to fool the tracker momentarily. Usually in a movie, the hero is someone who possesses an ability that comes in handy, from the beginning you can see the Molly is a very good tracker. She finds the lizard before everyone else, and later when they are escaping, she uses Daisy's bag to try and sidetrack the tracker. With all of these qualities it is clear why Molly is a hero to her family, others and herself.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Learning Profile: Logic Dominant

One day in Humanities, we learned all about how our brains function and what profile we are. I am a profile H which is logical dominant. Our brains are connected by the left side and the right side of the brain. For me personally, all of my body parts like my eyes, arms and ears are dominant on my left side. My legs are the only part of my body that is dominant on the right side. This can be helpful for me to cross logic and gestalt as most of them are on one side.

I found out that I learn best when it is quiet and I'm alone, I process better internally without external sensory. Sitting where I can work quietly and where I'm allowed to doodle or play with clay would benefit my learning also. When in a large group, I learn best when I am sitting where my left ear is facing the teacher. Personally, when the classroom is very loud it is difficult for me to concentrate, even if someone is tapping their pencil it is difficult.

Sometimes I need to move my hands or tap on a pencil to help process information or organize myself. When writing and/or feeling excited my right leg moves up and down fast and jerky.

To help my learning skills I would need a balance of art, music and freeform movement. I am already playing piano a lot which has helped me create new ideas for humanities and science. When I am relaxed I am emotionally and physically expressive and feel confident in what I am saying, however, when I am stressed it is very difficult for me to do that. When I need to communicate massaging the Mandibular Joint. An activity that would help would be blinking while tracking and hand work like knitting.

The thing I would like my teachers to know is that when under stress is difficult for me to see the details, listen and communicate well. Sometimes I think to much and get lost in the discussion so I won't really know what the people around me are talking about. This class on learning profiles was very interesting for me as I found out what helps me.