Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Name

My parents gave me an Irish name?! That seems very weird since I've never eve been to Ireland and I'm from Canada! I couldn’t believe it. So I decided when I got home that day, I would confront my mother about it. She told me that she knew and it was because my grandmother was from Welsh. I had also found out that my dad’s aunt was called Bertha and she had died from cancer. My father had felt it was appropriate to name me after her but my mom would not have it-thank God-so they settled for Bryna. But before that, my parents argued on what to name her, my mother wanted me to be called Beatrice. My name also means strong, which I am definitely not. At times, I really don’t like my name because it is strange and everyone is asking how to pronounce ‘Bryna’. At other times I really like my name, it is unique and a lot of females don’t have this name. Some people I have met have even said my name is pretty.

Having a name that people almost always miss-pronounce is very frustrating, so, I wanted to change it. At first, I was obsessed with becoming a Sabrina because it is close to Bryna and the other name was Kristina. I wanted to be called Kristina because a woman would come to our house every Tuesday and clean our house. Her name was Kristina. I have always had a nickname. My parents and siblings call me Bree, Br-bry and my friends call me Bry and Barney. My friend Ameera accidentally called me Barney, ever since then, someone has called me that. That is also the reason why I get teased a lot. Well, now you know all about my unique, annoying, troubling nicknaming name.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Once, in Thebes was a man called Hercules. He is the step-son of Amphitryon and the son of Alcmene. The wife of Zeus, Hera, is angry at Hercules and tries everything to kill him. Hercules' journey doesn't really start until he drinks wine, and takes out his anger over all of his family; his wife, children, mother and almost kills his step-father. The Gods ordered that he would serve the king of Argos which is his cruel couisn. At first, Eurytheus underestimated Hercules and ordered him to kill the Nemean lion. Hercules kills it and makes the lions pelt his clothes. The king oders him to kill the Hydra, and then he orders Hercules to bring back the 'beautiful' Cyrenia stag. He searches for a year and finds it, and brings the stag back. Then he cleans out the filthy stables of Augean. Then, Hercules saves all the men and women in Stamphylia from the Bladebills. They are horrible birds that eat everything in site, however, Hercules saves everyone. The most current heroic deed I have read is when the sea God Poseidon is tired of hearing people talk about Hercules and not him. He creates a bull but Hercules stops it.